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Anointed Temple






God is Our Helper:
As we go about our daily lives we are confronted by so many different circumstances, we are sometime put into situations where we don't know what to do.  We have to make decisions that could make or break us. Oh but Saints, we have someone to help us in every situation.


The Lord said he would not leave us or forsake us.  He said he would supply our every need.  He said come unto me all ye who heavy burden and I will give you rest.  God is here for us, to help us in everything. Psalms: 124:8 says: Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.


Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all of our ways we must acknowledge him, and he shall direct our paths.  He is here right now willing and waiting to help us and to bless us.  But we must have faith and trust that he is able to do what we need him to do; not in our time but in his time.


If we are walking and following in the paths of the Lord and doing what he requires of us we have every right to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.



Assistant Pastor

Evangelist Renee Clark


Evangelism and Restoration - As a multi cultural family of believers.  The Anointed Temple Church strongly believes  that God has the power to restore individuals to their fullest potential.

God has called us to go beyond the four walls of the church and share His gospel with those who may never come to church, those who are broke, busted and disgusted with in their lives, those who don't know where to turn.  He is right here now waiting to help us and bless us in every situation.


Your pastor's called to guard God's  flock so you won't go astray.  That's why he spends the time it takes to study, preach and pray.  He clears a path so you can keep in step with where he leads.  He's mindful of your nourishment.  He lifts you when you bleed.  Your shepherd also seeks the lost in search of lambs God loves.  He knows the fold is big enough for those born from above.  He has a staff on which to lean.  Your shepherd knows it's wise to share the load of leading you toward a heavenly prize.   Still, pastors' Christ-like servant hood so often goes unsung.  So why not share how much yours means with paper, pen and tongue?


Sis. Mae Hattley
Youth President

Sis. Doris Coley
Church Secretary/Sabbath School Supt.



Sis. Perlinda Crayton
Sabbath School Youth Teacher

Bro. Willie Ray Stoglin
Bass Guitar Player



Bro. Kevin Penson

Sis. Karen Stoglin



Bro. Keshawn Harrison

The Penson Family
Minister Chris, Sis. Charlottle, Bro. Christopher, Bro. Corey



Sis. Daissey Rae Hattley

Sis. LaDanna Hattley



Bro. Lauren Hattley

Sis. Ashley Crawley




Our prayer for you is that the God of all grace anoints you with fresh oil and His precious Spirit illuminates the Word as you read.


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